Our Impact
At Lifting Up Westchester, we look at more than just the number of people we serve. We look at the small and big changes we help people make in their lives to move them forward to independence and self-sufficiency. Here you will find a high-level snapshot of our impact, but the true essence of our impact is found in the stories of the people we support.
3,000+ People Served
17,000+ Nights Sheltered
250+ People Housed
170,000+ Meals Served
60+ People Employed
500+ Youth Served
38% Female
62% Male
0-9: 2.5%
10-17: 18%
18-20: 8%
21-39: 26%
40-59: 32.5%
60+: 13%
White: 24.7%
Black: 54.2%
Hispanic/Latino: 17.5%
Asian, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander; two or more races; and undisclosed: 3.6%
251 people accessed health & wellness and life skills resources
Samaritan House Women’s Shelter - 5,628 nights
Open Arms Men’s Shelter - 14,352 nights
Supportive Housing - 216
Housing Success - 53
Shelters - 50,431
Community Kitchen - 41,652
Housing - 702
Youth - 45,396
108 people participated in readiness employment services
60% of people were employed after 12 months
$16.25 - Average hourly wage
95% of seniors graduated high school
25% of graduating seniors pursued certifications and/or jobs upon graduation
80 kids attended summer camp
13 college scholarships provided
21 students graduated college in 2022
100 college students received academic and mentoring support